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Soft, drift-reduced AFM cantilevers for Biology and Life Sciences – Uniqprobe Screencast passes the 1000 views mark

The screencast on the soft, drift-reduced NANOSENSORS™ uniqprobe cantilevers for biology and life science applications held by Dr. Laure Aeschimann has just passed the 1000… Read More »Soft, drift-reduced AFM cantilevers for Biology and Life Sciences – Uniqprobe Screencast passes the 1000 views mark

Gentle plasma process for embedded silver-nanowire flexible transparent electrodes on temperature-sensitive polymer substrates

Figure 5. from “Gentle plasma process for embedded silver-nanowire flexible transparent electrodes on temperature-sensitive polymer substrates “ by Lukas Kinner et al.:

In the article “Gentle plasma process for embedded silver-nanowire flexible transparent electrodes on temperature-sensitive polymer substrates “ Lukas Kinner, Emil J W List-Kratochvil and Theodoros… Read More »Gentle plasma process for embedded silver-nanowire flexible transparent electrodes on temperature-sensitive polymer substrates