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September 2014

Characterization of Interactions between Heparin/Glycosaminoglycan and Adeno-Associated Virus with NANOSENSORS™ Super Sharp Silicon AFM probes

Divergent effect of glycosaminoglycans on the in vitro aggregation of serum amyloid A ( Characterization of Interactions between eparin/Glycosaminoglycan and Adeno-Associated Virus (

Check out the excellent work by Javier Aguilera and his coauthors. The authors used NANOSENSORS Super Sharp Silicon AFM tips to demonstrate awesome morphological features of AAV-2 and complexes with different heparin oligosaccharides and investigated the effect of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) on the aggregation of serum amyloid A (SAA).

2014-09-18 09_06_46-20140826-142157-Characterization of Interactions between Heparin_Glycosaminoglyc

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Application Note on Insulated Conductive Probes for combined AFM and Electrochemical studies (EC Probes)

Schematic of a wired and insulated NANOSENSORS Doped silicon ElectroChemical AFM Probe for combined AFM and ElectroChemical studies (EC-Probes).

In a new application note Ilya V. Popolov and Miklós Mohos from the University of Bern and Christoph Richter from NANOSENSORS show how insulated conductive probes can best be used for combined AFM and electrochemical studies.

Read More »Application Note on Insulated Conductive Probes for combined AFM and Electrochemical studies (EC Probes)