Platinum Silicide Probes Force Modulation Mode
NANOSENSORS™ PtSi-FM probes are designed for non-contact mode or tapping mode AFM (also known as: attractive or dynamic mode). This AFM probe type combines high operation stability with outstanding sensitivity and fast scanning ability.
For applications that require a wear resistant and an electrically conductive AFM tip we recommend this type. NANOSENSORS™ PtSi-FM probes are suitable for C-AFM, Tunneling AFM, Scanning Capacitance Microscopy (SCM), Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM) and Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KFPM).
The Platinum Silicide coating shows an excellent conductivity (almost approaching metal conductivity). The typical AFM tip radius of curvature is around 25 nm.
The AFM probe offers unique features:
- platinum silicide coating with excellent conductivity and good wear-out behavior
- high mechanical Q-factor for high sensitivity
- alignment grooves on backside of silicon holder chip
- precise alignment of the AFM cantilever position (within +/- 2 µm) when used with the Alignment Chip
- compatible with PointProbe® Plus XY-Alignment Series
This AFM probe features alignment grooves on the back side of the holder chip. These grooves fit to the NANOSENSORS Alignment Chip.